Relief from Neck Strain

  • Why You Should Make Spinal Manipulation Part Of Your Back Pain Management

    29 September 2015

    Back pain is an incredibly common problem in the United States; in a period of 90 days, around a quarter of adults have at least one day of back pain. And one of the difficulties with back pain is that it can have so many potential causes. That means many people must both spend time managing symptoms while also trying to find or treat the underlying cause of their pain.

  • Alternative Options For Lower Back Pain Struggles: Treat The Problem For Relief

    28 September 2015

    If you struggle with pain in your lower back and it's starting to affect how you work and live your life, it's time to find treatment for your injury. If you don't want to take medication on a regular basis and the doctors don't have any options other than surgery, it's time to see an alternative medical professional. You'll want to start by seeing a chiropractor, and then trying these other options as well.

  • Why You Should Let Your Acupuncturist Know If You're Pregnant

    25 September 2015

    Acupuncture, Valerie Hobbs of BabyCenter explains, is safe during pregnancy. In fact, Valerie even notes that it can be helpful in reducing stress, morning sickness, pain, depression and other issues women face during pregnancy. If you're pregnant and going for acupuncture, though, make sure to let your acupuncturist know you're pregnant -- even if it's early in your pregnancy. Tell Your Acupuncturist You're Pregnant Anytime you go to an acupuncturist while pregnant, you should mention that you're carrying an unborn infant.

  • Martial Arts And Your Back

    23 September 2015

    Martial arts practice can be hard on your back even if it doesn't get hit or kicked. While an impact related injury is the most obvious danger to your back, there are other activities that may cause back injuries or aggravate an existing problem. Potential causes of back issues include: Falls Martial arts styles such as Judo, Aikido, and  Jiu Jitsu emphasize throws and control of an opponent through joint manipulation.

  • This Delicious Meal Can Help Your Back Pain!

    23 September 2015

    If you've ever been to a back pain specialist, you know that nutrition plays a big role in your body's ability to ward off pain. Eating well can energize your body, make exercise easier, and help you lose weight, which reduces the strain on your joints and back. What you may not realize is that some foods actually help reduce inflammation, and that can also ease your back pain. The meal described below is made almost exclusively from foods reputed to reduce inflammation and strengthen bones.

  • It's All In Your Head: How Negative Emotions Translate Into Headaches And How Chiropractic Care Helps

    23 September 2015

    Every adult has had some experience with a tension headache. It is the direct result of ignoring negative emotions and then your body responds by making you feel terrible. You only have so many choices in how to deal with tension headaches. You can pop some pills (either prescription or over the counter), remove yourself from the situation that is causing you stress, tension and frustration (definitely not feasible), or you can visit a chiropractor for non-invasive, unmedicated approaches to dealing with your headaches.

  • 3 Reasons To Take Your Infant And Child To The Chiropractor

    22 September 2015

    Many parents have learned first hand of the many benefits of taking your child to the chiropractor. There are even chiropractors who specialize in pediatrics and giving children adjustments. If you have never taken your child to a chiropractor before you might be wondering what sorts of circumstances would require a chiropractor. Here are a couple reasons to take your child to the chiropractor. 1. Adjustment For Birth Trauma